Holy Trinity/Children & Young People
Forest Church, Trinity Tots, Kid's singing group, Toddlers, Schools
Forest Church
Outdoors fun for all the family. We hold Forest Church 4 times a year, Christmas, Easter, Autumn and Summer. All are welcome of any age. A variety of themes and activities, making new friends, new experiences and adventures, cooking on fires, making crafts and much more. Come along to find out more or get in touch!
Trinity Tots
Trinity Tots is for children of all ages to come and learn something new, make new friends and have new adventures. The group meets on the 1st Sunday of the month in the Parish Centre during the 11.00 am service.
There is a wide range of activities during the meeting. Special events are also held, e.g. Christmas Party and Easter Fun Day. The children return to the service in time to say The Lord's Prayer together and during Communion can go to the altar rail with their parents for a blessing.
Kid's Singing Group
Meets Monday evenings during term time 6-7pm. Children of all ages are welcome to come along no matter what singing ability there is.
We sing a range of songs such as musical theatre as the main genre but we sing others too. We sing for the Christmas Tree Festival in December and other points during the year too.
Golden Flatts Primary School
Golden Flatts Primary School is is located about one mile from the church.
Once a year Revd Philip is invited to go into the School to join the Carol service.
Golden Flatts Primary School are also involved in our Christmas Tree festival where the children create a tree and it is displayed inside the Church building during the Festival weekend.
At the last Ofsted inspection, the School is due to 'require improvements'.
Holy Trinity CofE Primary School
Holy Trinity School Church of England Primary School is based next to the Church and is part of the Durham Diocesan Multi Academy Trust.
Every Wednesday at 9am the whole School comes into the Church building for their Communion service.
The children are fully involved in the service and lead the majority of it. The School had worked very hard in enabling the children to feel confident and comfortable in leading different parts of the services. There is a worship team, choir, readers, the children come up with their own prayers and all year groups are involved in different ways throughout each academic year.
In July Durham Cathedral hosts all Year 6 leavers which Holy Trinity Year 6s attend each year and enjoy a variety of activities and Process the School Banner down the Nave.
On the PCC we are regularly updated from the School through our School Representative Christine. being in special occasions throughout the year.
Family members and friends are warmly invited each week or when they can to attend any of the School services!
The school achieved a 'good' grade in their last Ofsted inspection.